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Sunday, 3 February 2013

Re-Print Your Reg. Slip & Application Form

The Counselling process is going to be started on 04/02/2013 for the recruitment of 72,825 assistant primary teachers (Trainees). In necessary documents list there are two mandatory documents which you will need at the time of counselling. These are your Application Form & Registration Slip.

It might be, this is not a problem for you but some candidates are there, who don't have their Application Form and/or Registration Slip (May be they lost it or they didn't take any print out earlier). If you are one of them then there is no need to worry. here is given the solution for this.

Now you can take print out of your application form and registration slip as well. What you have to do nothing instead of clicking on the below given links.

Print Registration Slip
Print Application Form

1 comment:

  1. I am looking for the Southern Railway Recruitment
    but i cant find it please provide the official link to fill the Southern railway recruitment application form


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